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We have chosen as a case study a geography lesson for the eleventh grade students. In this context, the aim of the paper is to observe and evaluate students' involvement in learning activities and their interest when various web applications are integratedin the teaching-learning process through which students discover information themselves and solves work tasks. The efficiency of computer assisted learning involves correlation between several essential factors: the quality of online platforms and educational software, the use of appropriate teaching strategies and the creation of learning situations that enable students to learn "actively. In order to increase students’ participation in learning activities, a significant role is played by the use of the computer in Geography lessons. Developed interfaces were tested with the data of 1997, 20 produced within the scope of the project, and the results were examined.


Analyzes were successfully made to work in a GIS software and presented to the end user with a Turkish interface.

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Land use simulations are made to make predictions for the future by using the existing land cover/use maps. Connectivity is calculated in order to measure the performance of transportation investments over the years and allows the comparison of network components. Accessibility is the ease of access from one location to another, using the desired transportation system. Tools developed within the scope of the study are accessibility analyzes, connectivity analyzes and future land cover/use simulations. Developed tools were added to the used software as tools and made available to perform analyzes on GIS platform. In this study, algorithms that analyze the relationship between land cover/use and transportation which do not exist in current Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software were programmed by using open source programming language Python. They are very useful and becoming more widespread in terms of providing freedom in analyzing the selected area of interest, having low production cost and working without being dependent on any software. Open source software is a type of software that can be used, modified and shared by developers and users without licensing fees. Our study proved that in-service GIS training which was admired to attend by teachers according to the needs analysis, have improved their skills and knowledge. The research employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques.

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The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate in-service training GIS course among geography teachers using an open source software, free data and geographical technological pedagogical content knowledge (G-TPACK) model. It is necessary to organize in-service training (IST) activities that can meet today's needs in geography education, prepared in line with the needs of teachers and helpful in developing their technological competencies, to which they can participate voluntarily. Geography teachers who can combine their technological skills with pedagogical and field knowledge are the ones who meets today's educational needs. However, we may remove physical (lack of hardware, software) and technical (lack of computer) barriers in terms of requirements of geography teachers. Because of these challenges teachers tend to concentrate traditional teaching methods instead of removing obstacles on using spatial technologies. Many different barriers have been identified which limit integration of spatial technologies into secondary school education.

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